A simple code to calculate the performance metrics of a binary classifier
Specificity, Sensitivity, PPV, and NPV
1. Code
import numpy as np
def perf_metrics_2X2(yobs, yhat):
Returns the specificity, sensitivity, positive predictive value, and negeative predictive value
of a 2X2 table.
0 = negative case
1 = positive case
yobs : array of . . .
How to create an alias in Windows Powershell to launch Jupyter and Python
- Why am I doing this?
Running Jupyter
and PIP
becomes painful if you don't have admin privileges for your computer; A solution to this is to enter the entire path to PIP
and/or Jupyter
but it can very time consuming and inefficient. A way around this is to create and alias for the terminal to interpret a short command as if you . . .
Tuning scikit-learn parameters using optimization instead of random search
Work smart not hard
The problem
On previous posts I described how to perform non-linear curve fitting in Ptyhon and Julia. At their core non-linear and linear curve fitting (or regression) are optimization problems in which we find the parameters that minimize an objective function. The entire field of mathematical optimization is concerned . . .
Data Science at CyVerse: 3) Using Python and Atmosphere (VM) for data analysis
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Data Science at CyVerse: 2) Installing Python in Atmosphere (VM)
Why am I doing this?
This is the second installment on a blog series about how to use Python for Data Analysis at CyVerse. If you are not familiar with CyVerse, please read my previous post.
What you will need
- An Instance (Virtual Machine) in Atmosphere. Read the previous blog on this series if you don't . . .
Data Science at CyVerse: 1) Setting Up Atmosphere (Virtual Machine)
A simple guide for new comers to high performance computing
Why am I doing this?
The current workflow for data analysis and scientific computing in medical imaging requires the storage and processing of tens of millions of voxels per patient. Unfortunately, a personal PC/laptop is inadequate for such tasks.
What is CyVerse?
Non Linear regression in Julia is ~10X faster than Python and ~635X faster than Matlab.
But also equally accurate
Why Julia ?
I gave a talk a couple weeks ago at the Tucson Python MeetUp about how Julia and Python can
be used to analyze medical images. It turns out that for a simple processing task of calculating a T1 map of a lemon Julia is ~10X faster than Python and ~635X faster than Matlab. Besides speed, Julia offers great features: